STIK Laško

People-friendly tourism development brings together local people, area partners and people who know why they choose a welcoming destination. The destination manager STIK Laško is responsible for this development in Laško. In partnership with a public institution, you can create and present your own #myLaško experience.

STIK – Centre for sports, tourism, information and culture Laško operates as a public institute from 2007 and coordinates 6 branches: Laško Cultural Centre, TIC Laško, Tri Lilije Hall, Laško Museum, Children’s Centre Cinema Laško and Savinja B&B.

Since 2013 it has been the central organisation for the Laško tourist destination.

The institute serves as the main tourist provides in the are. As the lead organisation it plans and delivers key tourist services in the municipality. Its aims include connecting people, projects, institutions and sectors working in tourism. The institute operates according to the accepted strategies of touristic development and its yearly business plan.

STIK je tudi pomemben partner dosedanjih dosežkov destinacije:


STIK LAŠKO – Center za šport, turizem, informiranje in kulturo Laško

Podatki o STIK Laško

Pravna oblika: Javni zavod

Naziv: Center za šport, turizem, informiranje in kulturo Laško (skrajšano STIK Laško)

Naslov/sedež: Trg svobode 6

Pošta: 3270 Laško, Slovenija

Matična številka: 2260166000

Davčni zavezanec: DA

Identifikacijska številka za DDV: SI70383367

TRR pri UJP Žalec: 01257- 6000000381

Telefon: 03 733 89 30


Spletni naslov:

Odgovorna oseba in zastopnik: Tina Belej

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