What is sustainable tourism?

Green, sustainable tourism is not just a fad. Climate changes have become a reality and at the same time a challenge which predicts a modification of tourism flows. Consumer behaviour has changed rapidly and tourists increasingly search for green destinations.

The concept of sustainable tourism is often poorly defined. Sustainable tourism does not necessarily cover natural and unspoilt areas. Sustainable tourism practices are applicable to all forms of tourism and all types of destinations, including niche products and mass tourism. Thus, sustainable tourism should ensure:

  • Economic sustainability, which applies to long-term economic operations and benefits to all stakeholders;
  • Socio-cultural sustainability, which refers to the respect of human rights, authenticity of the hosting community, preservation of architecture and customs, and contribution to inter-cultural understanding and mutual tolerance;
  • Environmental sustainability, which includes optimal use of natural resources, preservation of ecological processes, and contribution to the preservation of natural heritage and biodiversity.

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