Katka, Katarina Drobež Vrščaj s.p.

A small store Katka, which is filled with warmth and cosiness, is located in the centre of Laško, near the Church of St Martin. It is run by Katarina, who was awarded the Taste Laško certificate of quality for her decorative mascots and wonderful and almost fragrant roses and hydrangeas made of coffee filters. The shop offers other Taste Laško products, as well. You can visit the shop from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p. m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. By prior arrangement, you can visit it on Sundays or holidays.

The collective brand "Okusiti Laško" preserves and upgrades the gastronomic heritage of the area, promotes sustainable gastronomic tourism and local self-sufficiency, and emphasizes the importance of nutrition and health.

List of all certified products:

  • Katka rose, 
  • Katka hydrangea, 
  • decorative mascots


Opening hours

ponedeljek - petek
9.00 do 13.00 in 15.00 do 17.00
9.00 do 12.00
nedelje in prazniki
odprto po predhodnem dogovoru

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