There are two trails leading to the peak of Kopitnik from Rimske Toplice. Both include the Church of the Lurd Mother of God. The peak of Kopitnik opens up a panoramic view of the lower Savinja valley and Veliko Kozje above Zidani Most. In clear weather you might also catch a glimpse of Gorjanci hills on the south Slovenian border.

Type: mountain trail
Level of difficulty: medium
Lowest point: 224 m
Highest point: 910 m
Start: Rimske Toplice (by the grocery store Tuš), GPS: 46.120778, 15.200961
Finish: Kopitnik and the cabin under Kopitnik


cerkev Lurške Matere Božje na Lurdu
5,5 km (v eno smer)
Height difference
686 m
2 uri (v eno smer)
Level of di
srednje zahtevna


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